The Maggi protein diet is one of the most effective nutritional systems, providing either an egg or curd menu. The weight loss process lasted for 4 weeks, but earlier the program provided a two -week course and was designed specifically for the Prime Minister of England, Margaret Thatcher. What foods are allowed to be eaten during the diet, and which should be discarded? What rules must be followed and to whom is such a food system contraindicated? And also a detailed menu for 4 weeks.
What is the Maggi Diet?
The Maggi diet provides such food products for digestion in which the body will expend more energy (calories), for which it will begin to actively burn the accumulation of excess fat. And despite the fact that such a weight loss system is low in calories, the body does not suffer from a lack of nutrients, because the menu contains all the vitamins and micro -elements necessary for human life. However, Maggi’s course is a bit harsh and not suitable for everyone.

The basic rules of the Maggi diet
Throughout the weight loss period, the following rules must be followed:
- Eat 3 times a day (at the same time). Use fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks, but no earlier than 2 hours after eating.
- The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
- Drink at least 2 liters of clean water daily (including tea and coffee without sugar).
- Do not change the lunch and dinner menus.
- Dishes are recommended to be cooked in the oven, in a slow cooker or boiled (strictly without adding oil).
- Minimal physical activity is encouraged (at least morning exercise or jogging).
At the same time, to avoid complications, it is advisable to consult a therapist before starting a diet.

Authorized Products
The following foods are allowed throughout the diet:
- Fresh herbs and vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini, various vegetable mixtures).
- Fruits (apples, citrus fruits, kiwi, persimmons).
- Types of lean fish (cod, pollock, pike, flounder, etc. ) and seafood - shrimp and lobster.
- Fermented dairy products (kefir, low -fat cottage cheese and cheese).
- Low -fat types of chicken meat and not only (boiled or roasted).
- Boiled chicken eggs.
- Rye or whole grain bread.
- Onions and peppers.
- Sweet treats and agave syrup are allowed as desserts.
- Tea and coffee without milk and sugar, cola diet (1 glass no more than 2 times a week).
If, after taking the product, nausea, weakness and dizziness occur, it must be excluded from the diet and appropriate replacement must be sought.
Prohibited Products
The Maggi diet prohibits the use of foods such as:
- Dairy products (milk, butter, cottage cheese and high -fat cheese).
- Mayonnaise.
- Ice cream.
- Sweets (all kinds of chocolate and confectionery products, as well as jams and honey).
- Any kind of fatty meat.
- Sausages and smoked products.
- Canned foods (fish, meat, vegetables).
- Baking, biscuits, gingerbread, waffles.
- Fatty meat soup.
- tomato sauce.
- Fast food and easy food.
- Vegetables (beans, potatoes, corn).
- Fruits (grapes, bananas, mangoes, figs) and dried fruits (especially dates).
- Cocoa and hot chocolate.
- Carbonated and alcoholic sweet drinks.
- Save the juice.
It is also advisable to stop smoking throughout the diet period.

Maggi diet - menu for 4 weeks (original)
The four -week diet includes the consumption of low -calorie foods and restriction of high -calorie foods, as toxins begin to be removed from the body and fat is broken down.
First week
The same breakfast is available for each day of the week, including half a grapefruit or orange, as well as 1-2 chicken eggs.
Sample menu for the first day of the diet:
- Lunch - any fruit (apple, orange, pear, kiwi).
- Dinner - oven -baked beef, fresh vegetable salad.
For the second day, the following menu is available:
- Lunch - boiled chicken.
- Dinner - a slice of whole grain bread, 2 eggs, a vegetable salad and a fruit of your choice.
On the third day, it is recommended to eat as follows:
- Lunch - 2 dietary breads, a slice of low -fat cheese, 2 tomatoes.
- Dinner - a piece of boiled beef, vegetable salad.
Sample menu for Thursday:
- Lunch - any fruit of your choice (except the forbidden ones).
- Dinner - boiled chicken with salad.
Diet for the fifth day of the diet:
- Lunch - boiled vegetables, 2 boiled eggs.
- Dinner - a piece of grilled fish, vegetable salad, 1 grapefruit.
The sixth day of the week provides the following diet:
- Lunch - any 1 of your choice.
- Dinner - boiled chicken, fresh vegetable salad.
The last day of the first week envisions the following menu:
- Lunch - boiled chicken with vegetables, 1 orange.
- Dinner - boiled or baked vegetables (excluding potatoes).
At the same time, you should in every possible way avoid damage to sweets and fast food.
Second week
Breakfast remains the same as in the first week.
Menu for the first day of the second week:
- Lunch - a piece of boiled beef with herbs.
- Dinner-fresh vegetables, 2 eggs, any fruit of your choice.
The next day's diet consists of the following foods:
- Lunch - boiled turkey, vegetable salad.
- Dinner - 2 eggs, 1 orange.
Sample menu for the third day:
- Lunch - a piece of boiled beef, 2 fresh cucumbers.
- Dinner - 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit.
On the fourth day of the week, it is recommended to eat as follows:
- Lunch - boiled vegetables, a piece of cheese, 2 boiled eggs.
- Dinner - 2 boiled eggs.
Diet for the fifth day of the week:
- Lunch is a piece of boiled fish.
- Dinner - omelet on the water.
The sixth day menu includes the following diets:
- Lunch - boiled beef with fresh tomatoes, 1 orange.
- Dinner - fresh fruit salad (allowed).
Menu for the last day of the second week:
- Lunch - boiled chicken, 1 grapefruit.
- Dinner - grilled fish with vegetables, 2 tangerines.
The abundance of eggs in the diet should not scare those who lose weight, because in the absence of "junk" food, chicken eggs help burn fat.
third week
The diet in the third week differs from the first two in a cardinal way:
- The first day-all day you can only eat fruit (but in any quantity).
- The second day-any boiled vegetables are allowed (except beans and potatoes), as well as salads.
- The third day-it is recommended to eat boiled fruits and vegetables (for example, broccoli and other types of cabbage). In addition, fresh vegetable salads are useful.
- The fourth day - low -fat fish boiled or baked in the oven, as well as Chinese salad and cabbage, are allowed throughout the day.
- Fifth day - boiled lean meats (chicken, turkey, beef, etc. ) and boiled vegetables.
- Sixth day - you can eat one type of fruit (for example, orange or apple) throughout the day.
- Seventh day - throughout the day you can eat only fruit (for example, only pears or peaches).
Due to the meager and boring diet, the third week was the hardest to endure, but the results were worth it.
Fourth week
In the last week of the diet, you should eat 4-5 times a day, while the interval between meals should be no more than 2-3 hours. It is not recommended to add any other products to the suggested menu.
Menu for Monday:
- The first course is 2-3 pieces of boiled beef or a small piece of chicken.
- The second dish is a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes without the addition of oil and salt.
- The third dish is boiled tuna.
- The fourth dish is diet bread (2-3 pcs. ).
- The fifth dish is 2 tangerines.
On the second day, it is recommended to eat as follows:
- Breakfast - 150-200 g of boiled meat.
- Second breakfast - fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
- Lunch - 1 toast with cheese and herbs.
- Afternoon snack - diet bread.
- Dinner - 1 pear and 1 orange.
Menu for Wednesday:
- The first serving is 1 tbsp. l. low -fat cottage cheese.
- The second dish is a small amount of boiled vegetables.
- The third dish is fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
- The fourth course is 2 loaves of bread.
- The fifth dish is 1 grapefruit.
The menu of the fourth day of the week provides the following diets:
- Breakfast - a piece of boiled chicken.
- Lunch - 1 fresh cucumber and 3 tomatoes.
- Lunch - diet bread.
- Afternoon snack - 1 citrus.
- Dinner - any 1 of your choice.
Menu for the fifth day:
- First course - 2 boiled eggs.
- Second course - 1 piece of your choice.
- The third dish is a fresh vegetable salad without dressing (with cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers).
- The fourth dish is diet bread.
- The fifth dish is 1 orange.
Diet for the sixth day of the week:
- Breakfast - boiled chicken breast.
- Snack - 100 g of low -fat cottage cheese.
- Lunch - 1 toast.
- Afternoon snack - 2 fresh cucumbers and 2 tomatoes, a glass of low -fat kefir.
- Dinner - 1 grapefruit.
And on the last day of the diet, it is recommended to eat as follows:
- The first course is low -fat cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L. )
- The second dish is a jar of tuna (no oil).
- Lunch - boiled vegetables.
- Snacks - fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
- Dinner - 1 citrus.
In the first month after leaving the diet, you must limit yourself in the consumption of flour and sweets. You can practice this power system no more than once every six months.
The cottage cheese diet provides about the same diet, only cottage cheese (with a low percentage of fat) is used instead of eggs.
Results when following the Maggi diet
If all the prescribed rules are followed (without interference to harmful products), you can achieve good results, that is, on average, lose 10-12 kg. And this is a great incentive to withstand the "test" to the end. However, weight gain can stop at any one figure due to a genetic predisposition to obesity or hormonal disorders in the body.
The Maggi diet is contraindicated in the following cases:
- For allergies to eggs, cottage cheese and citrus fruits.
- With a sharp spike in pressure (both up and down).
- During pregnancy and lactation.
- With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially with constipation).
- With pathology of the cardiovascular system.
- With liver and kidney disease.
The Maggi diet is a quick and effective way to lose weight, as evidenced by the many positive reviews. But to avoid complications and exacerbation of existing diseases, it is necessary to take into account individual health indicators. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting a diet.